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Allergies, sensitivities, asthmas, immune system deficiencies, and chronic illness can and will cause people to react to conditions that other can casually ignore.  Some people has simply born with weak immunities or health conditions that are lifelong problems.  Others develop allergies, sensitivities, or suffer from a chronic illness that reduce their toleration for the normal but aggravating conditions at home, schools, workplace, or office.

While doctors can treat the person, there is a parallel need to treat the building by lowering the obvious threats that trigger adverse reactions to the more vulnerable students, workers, and patrons.  Our OdorMD program uses safe, Green, residue-free processes to solve these building related problems:

  • Sick Building Syndrome or Building Related Illness
  • Reduce and eliminate VOCs and Toxic residue
  • Eliminate pet dander, pollen, aerosol pollution
  • Sanitizing pathogens in the building

SIMPLY STATED, our program will lower and eliminate the adverse conditions in day cares, schools, office, home, or workplace.  Even people suffering from pet and cat dander, reactions to pollen, dust mites, or cockroach droppings will discover an immediate relief.  Our customers breathe better, sleep better, feel better, and return to almost normal function after the very first treatment.

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