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One of the semi-common problems that we treat is cooking odors.  Strong spices may enhance the flavor of food but drift into air and can coat surfaces with a hard film that ordinary cleaning or cleaning products can remove.  This baked on film is the reason that odors never really go away for long.

One of our first tasks is to effectively break the bonds of the biofilm in order to reach and neutralize the embedded order.  This is not easy, but there is a powerful process that takes away the baked on film that no other cleaning processes possess.

Remember that we guarantee the result.  But, our system does more than remove odors.  

We also SANITIZE the whole area during the odor treatment, reduce ambient toxins, and neutralize allergens, pet dander, and  pollen.  Our process seems more like a total cleansing of the house or building.  So, while the odors are gone, people seem to feel an immediate sense of relief.  They sleep better and have more energy.  So, we asks the smart people why an odor removal job was producing such positive feedback from our customers.  

Our oxygen-rich process not only neutralizes odors at the source, it also solves a variety of indoor environmental issues.  When the toxic and allergic treats are removed, people actually feel the difference. 

I RECALL FROM MY YOUTH going to the bowling alley as a young man 

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