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Gyms and Spas

Gyms are always popular.  They are good for our health but can hold some health concerns.  We know that gyms are the perfect transfer point for a lot of diseases.  

Everyone is the gym are taught to follow good hygiene, wipe down equipment before and after use, and to not bring a disease into this community.  Good, but not good enough.  These are the common diseases found in gyms, community centers, barracks, and spas where people cross paths.

  • Athletes foot
  • Ringworm
  • Colds and the Flu
  • Pink Eye
  • Staph, Impetigo, MRSA
  • Plantar Warts

Gym Sanitizing ServiceThese are serious concerns for any workout facility, gym, spa, or physical therapy center.  To limit or prevent the spread of disease, every facility needs to follow a variety of cleaning and sanitizing protocols, and every patron needs to practice safe and sanitary guidelines like wearing flip-flops in shower areas, cover cuts, bring your own mat, and never come in sick.

Gyms and spas can reduce the spread of infections by adding a once-a-month OdorMD sanitizing treatment.  Our program sanitizes all surfaces, including the air, and is followed by an invisible nanotechnology treatment that inhibits reinfection for up to 30 days.  With followup care by the staff, this barrier is a 24/7 protective barrier to the spread of disease in the facility.

In addition, the OdorMD will completely neutralize all odd odors, reduce allergens and toxins that may affect patrons.  Finally, your facility can post our OdorMD Sanitized seal on your door and make it part of your gym's sales presentation.  

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